Government Investigations

Early and effective defense.

The police and prosecution have enormous resources they can bring to bear when investigating criminal allegations. You need an experienced, fearless, and skillful advocate on your side. Only through extensive pre-trial investigation, preparation, and litigation, can the accused challenge the government’s power and defend his or her rights and dignity.

Criminal investigations by government agencies, whether local, state, or federal law enforcement, often settle on a target before they have all the evidence and information needed to fairly determine whether a crime was committed and who committed it. In our experience, early legal representation—before charges are formally brought—provides you the best possible defense against the extraordinarily life-disrupting experience of facing criminal prosecutions. Through meticulous and exhaustive pre-trial investigation, we develop facts that undermine the government’s initial theory of the case and change to course of the case. By challenging the prosecution’s theory early, we try to have charges reduced or dropped before a client has his or her life upended by arrest and formal charges.

Criminal Defense

Building a strong defense through meticulous preparation and personal attention.

Allegations of criminal wrongdoing can have far-reaching consequences. From negative publicity and career impacts, to lengthy periods of incarceration, fines, loss of licenses to drive or practice your profession, immigration consequences, and the stigma of criminal conviction, you want someone by your side to guide, counsel, and defend you at every stage of the process. I represent individuals under investigation, charged with crimes, at trial, and on appeal, working diligently at every stage to get you the best possible result. I take relatively few cases to be available to my clients to discuss all manner of concerns and am dedicated to supporting you through this difficult process.

When facing trial for your liberty or life, you want an experienced, diligent, and passionate advocate by your side who knows your case better than anyone else in the courtroom. Extensive pre-trial investigation and exhaustive preparation ensure we get you the best possible results in your case.

Far too many lawyers simply take the government at its word when criminal charges are brought, believing that the government’s investigation has proved its case. Our job is to counter the government’s narrative. When the prosecution seeks to reduce the individual accused to his or her worst actions, you need a dedicated and creative advocate to explore all lines of defense and reveal the full context of the allegations to get you the best possible result.

Post Conviction

Righting prior wrongs.

The consequences of criminal convictions can be grim—lengthy periods of incarceration, fines, and the loss of fundamental rights can destroy careers, finances, families, and ultimately lives. While the best time to prevent the consequences of a conviction is before trial, several options remain for those convicted of serious crimes.

Writs of habeas corpus in state and federal courts, pardons, writs of actual innocence, and parole are all options for reducing sentences or undoing convictions entirely. Being sentenced to prison does not mean an individual has to accept that sentence. With committed and zealous representation in state and federal courts, before parole boards, or with the Governor’s Office, relief may be possible.

Success in post-conviction litigation is rarely easy. Our expertise in tireless investigation and creative litigation gives our clients the best possible chances of reducing their sentences or vacating their convictions.
We provide free initial consultations to clients seeking post-conviction relief. If we determine there is a path forward, we will gather the trial and prior counsel records and decide what further investigation will be necessary. Once we have reviewed all available materials, we will give our opinion as to what your best options will be before you commit to fully engaging our firm to represent you in challenging your conviction or sentence.


Clearing the path forward.

The consequences of criminal convictions can be grim—lengthy periods of incarceration, fines, and the loss of fundamental rights can destroy careers, finances, families, and ultimately lives. While the best time to prevent the consequences of a conviction is before trial, several options remain for those convicted of serious crimes.

Writs of habeas corpus in state and federal courts, pardons, writs of actual innocence, and parole are all options for reducing sentences or undoing convictions entirely. Being sentenced to prison does not mean an individual has to accept that sentence. With committed and zealous representation in state and federal courts, before parole boards, or with the Governor’s Office, relief may be possible.

Success in post-conviction litigation is rarely easy. Our expertise in tireless investigation and creative litigation gives our clients the best possible chances of reducing their sentences or vacating their convictions.
We provide free initial consultations to clients seeking post-conviction relief. If we determine there is a path forward, we will gather the trial and prior counsel records and decide what further investigation will be necessary. Once we have reviewed all available materials, we will give our opinion as to what your best options will be before you commit to fully engaging our firm to represent you in challenging your conviction or sentence.

Civil Rights

Justice. Fairness. Results.

Regardless of your circumstance, the Constitution and Federal and State law provide rights against government violence, neglect, and wrongdoing. When government agents violate those rights, whether by the actions of police or prisons, you may be entitled to relief. We take a limited number of civil rights cases on behalf of prisoners or others injured by government action or inaction, applying our relentless, client-centered methods to holding accountable those who have harmed you.

Contact Us

The Law Office of Daniel Goldman

421 King Street
Suite 505
Alexandria, VA 22314

Phone: (202) 677-5709
